Tuesday 23 April 2024



Happy St. George's day, sunshine and showers and a bitter wind, standard English weather.

Monday 22 April 2024


 Says the bells of St. Clements...

I went searching for a donation outfit for the upcoming Sasha Festival, I checked out Ginny's A Passion for Sasha wed site and settled on, at first a long sleeved gingham dress in orange ! Orange! I hear you cry, she's not a fan of orange! This is true , which is why I decided on orange, that way when it arrives I won't keep it!

Naturally I carried on looking and found it was also available in the short sleeved style and since it would be summer when the event is held, I decided to get the short sleeved style instead of long and then I saw the yellow ( Dicey I love yellow! ) and decided to add that one as well for the auction.

Then I was talking to my sister Michelle, who'd been knitting all winter, and asked if she had any orange or yellow cardigans.

It just so happened she did! So I've added them to the donation. Naturally I acquired a couple of items for my Sasha's while I was shopping, nothing orange though of course, although I find I'm not so against orange if it's a soft version.

Pictures are by Ginny and Michelle.